School Regulation & Ministerial Orders

School Regulation and Ministerial Orders (both of which list specifics, beyond the generalities of the School Act)

Excerpt from School Regulation, Section 4, Duties of teachers

(1) The duties of a teacher include the following:

(a) providing teaching and other educational services, including advice and instructional assistance, to the students assigned to the teacher, as required or assigned by the board or the minister;

(b) providing such assistance as the board or principal considers necessary for the supervision of students on school premises and at school functions, whenever and wherever held;

(c) ensuring that students understand and comply with the codes of conduct governing their behaviour and with the rules and policies governing the operation of the school;

(d) assisting to provide programs to promote students’ intellectual development, human and social development and career development;

(e) maintaining the records required by the minister, the board and the school principal;

(f) encouraging the regular attendance of students assigned to the teacher;

(g) evaluating educational programs for students as required by the minister or the board;

(g.1) evaluating each student’s intellectual development, human and social development and career development, including, as required by the minister, administering and grading Required Graduation Program Examinations;

(g.2) ensuring the security of Provincial examinations, including retaining completed Provincial examinations for any period of time set by the minister;

(h) providing the information in respect to students assigned to the teacher as required by the minister, board or, subject to the approval of the board, by a parent;

(h.1) advising the school principal regarding the organization of classes in the school and the placement of students with special needs in those classes;

(i) when required to do so by the minister, verifying the accuracy of the information provided to the minister under paragraph (h);

(j) regularly providing the parents or guardians of a student with reports in respect of the student’s school progress;

(k) attending all meetings or conferences called by the principal or superintendent of schools for the district to discuss matters the principal or superintendent of schools considers necessary unless excused from attending the meeting or conference by the principal or superintendent of schools;

(l) admitting to the teacher’s classroom, to observe tuition and practise teaching, student teachers enrolled in a university established under the University Act or in an institution for training teachers established under any other Act, and rendering the assistance to the student teachers, and submitting the reports on their teaching ability or on other matters relating to them or to their work, considered necessary for the training of teachers by the university or institution.

(2) Reports referred to in subsection (1) (j) shall be made at least 5 times during the school year as follows:

(a) 3 written reports, one of which shall be at the end of the school year (i) on a form approved by the minister, or (ii) on a form approved by the board containing information and, when required, using reporting symbols ordered or approved by the minister;

(b) at least 2 informal reports. [am. B.C. Regs. 485/2004, s. 2; 92/2012, s. 1; 64/2021, s. 3.]

Ministerial Orders

A current list of Ministerial Orders can be found at the hyperlink in the title.

This list is updated and is the best place to search out orders that are affecting the changing nature of your work, i.e. the Learning Update order, or the Enhancing Student Learning Reporting order . 

There are a variety of other orders that might be of interest to teachers, i.e. the IEP order, the Provincial Letter Grades order, the Provincial Standards for Code of Conduct order, to name a few. These are good documents with which to have at least have a passing familiarity.


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