BVTU Staff / Union Representatives
The role of the school staff / union representative (staff rep) is an essential and valuable job.
The staff rep ensures that members at each school are aware of the collective agreement.
The staff rep is someone people can approach with immediate questions and/or concerns.
The staff rep shares what is happening on the ground at each school in the district with the executive committee.
The staff rep also reports back from the executive committee meetings to teachers.
The staff rep can provide support for coworkers by being present at a meeting with administration.
This resource on the Role of the Staff Rep, shared from quathet Teachers' Union (used with permission and edited), gives a great overview.
School Staff Union Representatives
Muheim Elementary (Smithers):
Walnut Park Elementary (Smithers):
Smithers Senior Secondary:
Telkwa Elementary: Nataniel Hennig
Houston Secondary: Tom Searby
Silverthorne Elementary (Houston): Leslie Thiessen
Twain Sullivan Elementary (Houston): Rob Mark