The BVTU consists of teachers in the Bulkley Valley who are both members of our local union and the provincial federation, the British Columbia Teachers' Federation (BCTF).
The BVTU thanks members for abiding by the BCTF Code of Ethics, and the Professonial Standards for BC Educators.
Members are encouraged (capacity and time permitting) to learn about, and to help create and maintain a robust local union.
There are a variety of ways members can support each other through union participation.
If you have any questions, or just want to reach out, please do so!
The union's mandate is to ensure the collective agreement is enforced (which was bargained to support members), and to support members in other ways.
As much as you are able to give, even it is a little -- is appreciated and respected. And if now doesn't work for you -- perhaps consider at some point in the future learning a bit about your local -- when it works for you.
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For an overview of the BCTF, please see the BCTF 2023 2024 Member's Guide.
This is a comprehensive document that provides information on a complex, provincial organization. The local is a branch of this provincial tree.
If you don't know what to do with it, here's one idea:
- Look at the Table of Contents
- Find an area that you have a question about or that intrigues you
- Skim that
- Reach out to your local and ask how that particular section applies to you!
There is a HUGE diversity of needs and issues that affect education across our province, and the local is here not only as a smaller part of the bigger provincial whole but also to ensure that the interests of local teachers are represented and heard.