Collaboration Grant

Background: As part of the 2019-2022 provincial collective bargaining process, a fund was established to provide a collaboration fund to local unions. This fund and opportunity is distinct from anything that SD54 might be providing to new teachers. This collaboration opportunity is completely voluntary.

Purpose: The intent is to provide collaboration, mentorship, and support to:

  • Teachers in the first five years of the teaching career
  • Experienced teachers in their first/second year in a significantly different position
  • Teachers who do not fit into either of those categories but who self-identify as candidates

The BVTU holds $40,000 to be used under the following guidelines:

  • Available to all BVTU members in the following positions: K-12, district and itinerant staff and TTOCs
  • Funds only be used for TTOC release, either to release contract teachers or, in the case of TTOC applicants, to pay their TTOC daily rate.
  • The funds are not to be used to purchase consumables, resources or technology
  • That the BVTU Mentorship Sub-Committee accept and review applications on a rolling, monthly basis:
    • that the committee prioritize broad availability of the fund (i.e. more members with fewer days) if possible
    • that an annual limit be 3 teacher release days
    • that any member who self-identifies be accepted, with priority given to early career teachers or teachers who have recently begun a different position 
    • That the following projects be supported:
      • Release to observe another teacher’s practice
      • Collaboration with another teacher
      • Voluntary peer mentorship arrangements
      • Once approved, members will book absences using the “Other BVTU business” option in Atrieve and these release days be charged to the District Pro-D account set up for this purpose

Application Process:

  1. Teacher completes the BVTU Collaboration application form.
  2. Applications will be reviewed and approved at the monthly BVTU Executive Meeting (usually first week of every month).
  3. Once you receive your approval, you will be responsible for booking release time through Atrieve using the "Other BVTU business" code.
    1. If the approved/successful applicant has self-identified the mentor (and the mentor agrees), then the applicant will proceed as planned.
    2. If the approved/successful applicant has requested support in choosing a mentor, this will occur with the support of colleagues and or the local president. Then the applicant will proceed as planned.
  4. Upon completion of mentorship days, the teacher applicant will fill out a short reflection form.

Application Form

Reflection Form


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© 2025 Bulkley Valley Teachers' Union