Violence in Schools

Link: WorkSafe BC Violence in Schools

Like all other health and safety issues - ice, chemicals, electrical hazards, ergonomics -- addressing violence is a joint responsibiity of the employer AND the employee.  

The WorkSafe BC definition of violence is: "The attempted or actual exercise by a person, other than a worker, of any physical force so as to cause injury to a worker and includes any threatening statement or behaviour which gives a worker reasonable cause to believe that he or she is at risk of injury." 


Injuries due to violence can be PHYSICAL or PSYCHOLOGICAL.

Go inside WorkSafe BCs definition of psychological health and safety to learn more. 

The Canadian Standard's Guide also published a comprehensive document titled "Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace -- Prevention, promotion and guidance to staged implementation" to support the development of psychologically safe workplaces across Canada.


Acts of violence can be committed without an intent to injure.

The definition of violence relies on the IMPACT on the worker, not the INTENT of the student.

If you perceived the action as violent, and it meets the criteria of the definition above,  then it is violence. 



The district's Violence in the Workplace safety program is found on their website, in their Safety Program, accessible through the Health and Safety tab. It is halfway down the Safety Program page.

The communication of the RISK OF VIOLENCE is the employer's duty.

The following of controls, protocols, and measures to REDUCE THE RISK is the employee's duty.



An OH & S Toolkit was created by a joint working group including all educational stakeholders in BC. It is where our district accessed (and tailored) the Workplace Violence Report and Review form (WVIR). There are many more tools. See the below tables for a summary.

Link: Occupational Health and Safety Toolkit


site development by: Coffee Web Development

site design by: DesignworksBC

© 2025 Bulkley Valley Teachers' Union