WorkSafe BC
Education - Go inside the link for a wide range of topics about worker safety in schools.
Worker's Report of Injury or Occupational Disease to Employer (6A)
THIS FORM IS FOR THE EMPLOYER TO TRACK physical or psychological injuries at work.
This does NOT go to WorkSafe BC.
If you think you may need time off due to your injury, then see the next section directly below.
Application for Compensation and Report of Injury or Occupational Disease (Form 6)
THIS FORM IS FOR COMPENSATION for physical or psychological injuries at work. Go inside that link and it will provide you with a form -- or, you can call Teleclaim. It is listed on the page description.
Documentation matters! If you are unwell -- your anecdotal notes and/or medical documentation from your health support providers will be essential in providing grounds for a claim.
You are your own best friend with regards to your health: if you begin to struggle -- engage your health support team to ensure you have things on record and are getting guidance.
People should be filing for compensation BEFORE they are totally and completely burnt out or living with ONGOING CHRONIC or ACUTE EPISODES OF MENTAL OR PHYSICAL ILLNESS.