PRO D Opportunities
All events listed here have been passed on either by the District professional development committee, have come from the professional development contacts at the BCTF or other locals who asked to share.
The BCTF offers a number of different workshops and training modules on a wide variety of topics, as one option for independent pro-d. (Engagement in independent professional development on designated professional development days does NOT include unit planning, preparation, marking, contacting parents, or any other tasks that are part of teachers' regular duties.)
When in doubt, the professional development lens is an excellent resource to assess the validity of and guide independent pro-d!
The Professional Standards for BC Educators also has articles that could be interpreted to be applicable to teacher use of professional development time and funds (including but not limited to):
Section 2 - Educators act ethically and maintain the integrity, credibility and reputation of the profession. Educators are role models. Educators are held to a higher standard and are accountable for their conduct on and off duty. Educators understand the law as it relates to their duties. Educators' individual conduct contributes to the perception of the profession as a whole. Educators know and recognize the importance of the professional standards for BC educators.
Section 7: Educators engage in professional learning. Educators engage in professional learning and reflective practice to support their professional growth. Educators recognize and meet their individual professional needs through various learning opportunities. Educators develop and refine personal philosophies of education, teaching and learning that are informed by research, practice and the Professional Standards for BC Educators.