Health and Safety




A robust school health and safety culture benefits workers AND learners. This is both common sense and evidence-based. 

Each school in the district should have:

1. a joint occupational health and safety committee, and

2. a teacher in the role of the health and safety worker representative on this committee.

Above each school health and safety committee is the District OH & S Committee

 The District Occupational Health and Safety Committee's duties as per our collective agreement:


D.24.1 A District Health and Safety Committee, comprised of Employer, BVTU and CUPE Local 2145 representatives, shall be established by the employer. Committee Terms of reference shall be developed by the committee and include provisions for the following: 1. membership 2. purpose & scope 3. procedural matters

D.24.2 The Committee shall be composed of not fewer than six (6) members chosen by and representing the BVTU, the employer and CUPE equally. 

D.24.3 Terms of reference for the safety committee may include, but are not limited to:

  • Meet monthly, except July and August, to discuss safety related matters
  • Promote safety in the district through the distribution of information
  • Develop and maintain a safety awareness program
  • Perform safety inspections in all district buildings, work and play areas
  • Make recommendations for enhancing safety with respect to procedures, equipment, buildings, vehicles, etc
  • Provide assistance to school safety committees in the investigation of safety related issues.

D.24.4 The district committee, in consultation with the site joint health and safety committee, will assess concerns regarding cleanliness, temperature, ventilation, lighting, humidity, sound level and other physical conditions conducive to effective learning in compliance with Occupational Health & Safety regulations of the Workers Compensation Act of BC.

D.24.5 The Board shall make every reasonable attempt to meet the requirements of WHMIS.

James Burns Is the BVTU Health and Safety representative on the District Health and Safety Committee.

Tanya Davidson, the BVTU local president, also attends monthly meetings. 

Where do I go when I have comments, concerns or questions about health and safety??

1. Bring your issue to your school health and safety rep.

2. The school health and safety rep will bring up your issue at the school health and safety committee meeting and engage administration either before or at the meeting.  

3. The issue will be addressed at the school level first.

4. School health and safety committees are encouraged to reach out to the district health and safety committee for support when the need arises. (Specific information on school health and safety committees and school health and safety reps found here)

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