Collective Agreements
The Union (Bulkley Valley Teachers' Union and the BC Teachers' Federation) have collectively bargained the following Agreement with the Employer (School District 54 and the BC Public School Employers' Association).
It is important to note that the provisions set out in the collective agreement have been bargained over the decades in good faith by both parties with the intention that both parties, in good faith, adhere to these provisions.
When there exist differences of opinion re the interpretation of language in the collective agreement, grievances are the pathway by which clarity can be achieved.
See this backgrounder on grievances from the Canadian Labour Congress.
Here are the relevant collective agreements:
Provincial Collective Agreement (2022 - 2025)
The updated BVTU - SD54 Collective Agreement (2022 - 2025) is IN PROCESS. What was uploaded here previously was a DRAFT and I have learned that it cannot be posted until it is in its final version. Thank you for your patience while we wait the melded prov/local current CA and if you have questions, reach out to your local office and/or view the most recent collective agreement linked below.