JOSH Committees & Worker Reps


WorkSafe BC regulation (law) on duties and functions of JOSH (Joint Occupational Health and Safety) Committee:

A joint committee has the following duties and functions in relation to its workplace:

(a) to identify situations that may be unhealthy or unsafe for workers and advise on effective systems for responding to those situations;

(b) to consider and expeditiously deal with complaints relating to the health and safety of workers;

(c) to consult with workers and the employer on issues related to occupational health and safety and occupational environment;

(d) to make recommendations to the employer and the workers for the improvement of the occupational health and safety and occupational environment of workers;

(e) to make recommendations to the employer on educational programs promoting the health and safety of workers and compliance with the OHS provisions and the regulations and to monitor their effectiveness;

(f) to advise the employer on programs and policies required under the regulations for the workplace and to monitor their effectiveness;

(g) to advise the employer on proposed changes to the workplace, including significant proposed changes to equipment and machinery, or the work processes that may affect the health or safety of workers;

(h) to ensure that accident investigations and regular inspections are carried out as required by the OHS provisions and the regulations;

(i) to participate in inspections, investigations and inquiries as provided in the OHS provisions and the regulations;

(j) to carry out any other duties and functions prescribed by regulation.

***Joint Committees always have to be comprised of half workers, and their needs to be representatives on the committee from each group at the worksite (i.e. in schools that would mean a rep from the employer, a rep from the BVTU, and a rep from CUPE). Ideally, these reps are front-facing and are dealing with ALL health and safety issues on the regular (having secretaries as the CUPE rep might not be in the best interest of EAs).


The BC Federation of Labour Health and Safety Center is the gold standard for worker representatives to get their mandated training. Virtual courses are offered regularly


WorkSafe BC law says:

Worker reps get eight hours of paid release time (by the employer) EVERY YEAR for training.

This is mandatory, required and cannot be refused.  

The worker chooses what training they wish to do; it cannot be directed by the employer.

The form to access this paid relase day is on the school district website:

1. Go to SD54

2. Health and Safety tab

3. Safety Program (right hand sidebar)

4. Section 7: Joint OH & S Committees (click the plus sign to expand)

5. Click on Appendix 5 Education Leave Worksheet


WorkSafe BC law also says:

New OH & S worker reps get SIXTEEN paid hours of release time. 

Use your entitlements! 


The BC Federation of Labour Health and Safety Center also has a wealth of resources to assist workers use their legal rights. Go here for links to all of their class resource materials. 

A few examples of what you can find there are:

Sample recommendation template (the correct pathway to use for any and all health and safety concerns)

Joint Committee self-assessment (use at the start and at the end of the year to see how you can improve)

New or young worker orientation checklist

Refusal of work form 





Link: Handbook for Joint Health and Safety Committees

There is necessary information inside:

  • How to have an effective meeting
  • How to respond to safety concerns
  • How to refuse work
  • How to assess investigations
  • What effective recommendations look like

Search out the relevant sections that your school health and safety committee needs.

Contact your local union to see if there is any grant money to buy food for some incentive to gather and learn.

Early, Thursdays? Before school breakfast meeting?  There is funding available! 


Health and Safety Worker Reps


Silverthorne Elementary:  Stephanie Yeker

Twain Sullivan Elementary: Tanya Margerm

Houston Secondary: Eric Arpin

Telkwa Elementary: Holger Rode

Muheim Elementary: Jessica Hitchmough

Walnut Park Elementary: Erin Brienesse / Shawna Espersen

Smithers Secondary: Emma Jacobsen


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