JOSH Committees & Worker Reps
This is THE PLACE for all the things you need to know to have an effective school health and safety program!
JOSH Committee = School-based Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee
Link: Handbook for Joint Health and Safety Committees
There is necessary information inside:
- How to have an effective meeting
- How to respond to safety concerns
- How to refuse work
- How to assess investigations
- What effective recommendations look like
Search out the relevant sections that your school health and safety committee needs.
Contact your local union to see if there is any grant money to buy food for some incentive to gather and learn.
Early, Thursdays? Before school breakfast meeting? There is funding available!
Health and Safety Training
The gold standard for health and safety training is found HERE, offered by the BC Federation of Labour's Health and Safety Center (Occupational Health and Safety Committee Education portal).
About halfway down that page, look for the green boxes.
The health and safety FUNDAMENTALS are covered in OH & S Parts 1 and 2. START WITH THOSE.
Can I take some health and safety training?
Specifics on who gets release time, and how much, are just below the pic of the courses!
And, since the form to get your employer-paid release time is buried in the school district website, here it is.
- Training is required by law (8 hours) for all JOSH committee members.
- If you are a NEW to the JOSH committee, your employer is legally required to pay you for 16 hours.
WORKER Rep = School based health and safety union representative
- Training is required by law (4 hours) for all health and safety worker reps.
- When h & s reps are educated in the WorkSafe BC laws and processes, they can confidently do their part.
- They can ensure JOSH committee meetings are focused and targeted on the important physical and/or psychological hazards
- They can effectively hold the employer accountable for following the health and safety laws.
Health and Safety Worker Reps
Silverthorne Elementary:
Twain Sullivan Elementary:
Houston Secondary:
Telkwa Elementary:
Muheim Elementary:
Walnut Park Elementary:
Smithers Secondary: